Born in December of 2022 in Austin, Texas – Froliq, produces next-gen education, engagement, and training apps for the world-class brands. We are best known for our award-winning work in XR – AR (Augmented Reality), and VR (Virtual Reality), including ML (Machine Learning), and AI (Artificial Intelligence) Application development. In the realm of training, Froliq’s hands-on apps deliver uber-customized experiences that educate and prepare the next generation workforce.

The Froliq team has a diverse background spanning XR, mobile technology, and AI, the intersection of which is at the core of Froliq’s platform of apps. With clients such as Exelon, SMUD, Austin Energy, CPS Energy and Toyota—Froliq has established itself as a prominent XR player in the energy and transportation industries.

The Froliqers

